Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh Noes!

How am I going to survive for 10 days with no FB (I thought I could get on after 5 but apparently not, and I can't even update by webtext as the update number doesn't work on the webtext system), no Twitter (which I don't use that much but which would be a good substitute), and no Blogger (I'm updating by email), Wordpress, or I assume Typepad.

I know why they do it, but it's very frustrating to the terminally linked-in.  I can read anything on Google Reader, but many of you only post partial feeds...


Yo-yo Mama said...

Partial feeds...I get their purpose, but I certainly can't/won't ever like them.

Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine gave up FB for Lent. I must ask him if it hurts or REALLY REALLY hurts.