Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just what the doctor ordered

Some nice medicinal chocolate. It's the end of term and the convenience store on campus over-ordered mini Easter eggs. Between us today Mr Spouse and I have tried Mars, Galaxy, Aero and Thornton's Praline.

Hmm, perhaps I should be thinking about doing some exercise at some point in the future?

Actually on a serious note I am missing doing anything active. I didn't go to Pilates this week as I was completely exhausted and I wasn't sure it was helping. I've not had a moment to swim (I had 6 hours teaching today - personal record - yes, I know, if you are an actual teacher it's not that much - but frankly, repeating the same seminar 4 times did not do much for my sanity). I asked Mr Spouse to pick somewhere he felt like going walking on Saturday but he claims it will be raining. I won't be able to run while I'm overseas (leave on Monday) and I may not be able to swim there either (I think there is a pool nearby but it may be raining and if there is, it is certain to be outdoors; I'm not a fan of swimming in tropical thunderstorms!)

I suppose I can always take my Pilates DVD.

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