Friday, February 03, 2006

I'm sure it's for the best really...

but it looks like it's two months "off" for us. I went to see the nurse yesterday but Mr Spouse can't make it till next week, and it's no sex (even with a condom!) till a week after the second of us is treated. Which takes us to about CD 17. And then apparently we're supposed to use contraception for the first month after the lap and dye.

I'm not exactly feeling happy about this - I suppose "resigned" is the word. Everything else is pretty tiring just now, and the whole finding-out-you-have-an-STD is pretty shocking too. But I have a few weeks which should be a bit more relaxing ahead, and my birthday (nice to have a celebration, rubbish to be 39!), so I think I was looking forward to a bit of R&R*.

*Recreation and Reproduction


DD said...

1967 was an especially good year, don't you think?

I hate forced r&r, especially when I'd rather be doing THE R&R.

Anonymous said...

Yup, 1967 is certainly something to be celebrated. sorry to hear about the two months off, that would really stress me out.

Anonymous said...

enjoy your time off - our sex life improved vastly once we stopped timing and started to have fun